100 Days of Winter - AG Gallery

New Exhibition by Rachelle Tolwin


March 31 - April 29, 2012
Opening Reception: March 31, 6 - 9PM

For Immediate Release
AG Gallery/About Glamour in Williamsburg is pleased to present a solo exhibition, 
“One Hundred Days of Winter,” by Rachelle Tolwin. All the works are from her project in this winter 
which is the document of  her daily creation process on a mountain days.

Rachelle Tolwin’s tumblr blog description reads:  
“this will be my first winter living on a mountain in the Catskill mountain state 
park. I plan to document each day of the winter with art that I made that day. 
Some days may be really cold. Some days there may be no internet access. 
I will still make something regardless of the conditions and post it 
when I am connected to the world-wide web and all of you.”

Rachelle moved to a remote area of the Catskill Mountains with her husband, Chaim, last Summer from Brooklyn. 
She looked to the Winter as a time to reflect and focus on art and decided to start www.onehundreddaysofwinter.tumblr.com. 
Her daily artwork chronicles this time through playful, introspective work clearly inspired by 
her new surroundings and connection with nature. 
Most of the work in one hundred days of winter is on paper, with gouache, watercolor and collage.
There are a few photographs that help situate her setting. 
The title of the show may suggest images of snow and a white landscape, but these types of images do not dominate the show. 
One reason may be there was not as much snow as expected this year. 
Most of the works are colorful and reflect the inward and outward journey Rachelle experienced. 
 The work in this show presents a mystical, whimsical landscape that Rachelle lives in or imagines.

Rachelle Tolwin
Rachelle Tolwin lives and works in Sundown, NY, a small hamlet in the Catskill Mountains. 
She received her MFA from California College of the Arts and her BS from New York University. 
She enjoys making imagined landscapes on paper and has shown her work nationally and internationally. 
Her work can be viewed at rachellecohen.com.

The opening reception for “One Hundred Days of Winter” will be held on
 Saturday, March 31 at AG Gallery from 6 to 9 p.m. 
The exhibition will be on view through Sunday, April 29, 2012.
Check details about Opening Reception at Facebook event page.

Chiharu Aizawa
AG Gallery/About Glamour