Nostalgic Feeling of Mashiko Ware

Mashiko-yaki wares in Japan.
Mashiko is known for its pottery, called "mashiko-yaki."
Early pottery in Mashiko dates back to the Jōmon and Yayoi periods. "Mashiko-yaki" often thought of as a simple and rustic in style, brown with maybe a little red glaze, but modern pottery made in Mashiko today is found in many styles. Some how the texture and the color of it makes us nostalgic.
About Glamour also have some "Mashiko-yaki" wares created by two great artist, Hanako Sakishita and Naoko Yoshizawa.
Please come to our store and check them out:)!!

Mashiko-yaki by Hanako Sakishita.

Mashiko-yaki by Naoko Yoshizawa.